Human Hair 13*6 Body Wave HD Lace Frontal Wig

Human Hair 13*6 Body Wave HD Lace Frontal Wig
LACE FRONT WIGS are the perfect option for anyone who wants to try something new and add a little spice without altering their natural hair. Take a break out of your comfort zone and add more length with by purchasing one of our HD Lace Frontal Wigs,
13*6 HD Lace Frontal Wig
Natural Color
Cap Size Stretchy 21-22.5 Inches around
Human Hair
Includes combs and adjustable straps
Wigs can be worn with or without glue
All wigs can be Dyed or Bleached, and Restyled
How to Put On:
Step #1: Gather all your hair and flatten them at the top of your head to create a flat surface for your wig. Secure your hair with pins so stray hair does not poke out.
Step #2: Put on a wig cap or a stocking cap to create a barrier between your natural hair and the wig.
Step #3: Apply the wig adhesive around the wig cap and put on the wig leaving the mesh resting on your forehead. Securely attach the wig to the adhesive.
Step #4: Carefully cut out the mesh layer that is poking out from the hairline without damaging the hair on the wig to give it a natural appearance
Step #5: Blend your natural hairline with the hairline of your wig with the help of foundation and concealer. Tame down the baby hair and you are done.